Code with Mosh – Mastering React 2020-2

Code with Mosh – Mastering React 2020-2


Mastering React is the name of a video training suite in the field of web programming and development in the React business. According to the publisher of this training package, you will learn everything you need by watching this training course. Using React knowledge, you can build web applications very quickly as well as efficiently and interactively with highly efficient solutions. Since the release of React in 2011, this library has quickly become the most popular JavaScript programming language library.

In this training course, an attempt has been made to fully teach React to the student by providing very effective exercises and solutions. Also, by receiving this training set, you can watch the training sessions according to your learning speed, and in this way, the effectiveness of this training set will be in a very favorable situation.

Features of Mastering React training course

Dear students, by observing and learning the training, tips and techniques in this training package, you will become a person who specializes in working with the React library, and thus you will be able to create web applications quickly and interactively. Dear students, in this training course, you will have more than 200 video training sessions as well as more than 20 hours of video in front of you.

Course specifications

Publisher: Code with Mosh

Instructor: Mosh Hamedani

Level: Basic to Advanced

Duration: 12 HOURS

Number of lessons: more than 200 lessons

English language

Mastering React topics

Getting Started (00:28) 1- What is React (4:32) 2- Setting Up the Development Environment (3:37) 3- Your First React App (6:33) 4- Hello World (5:25) 5- Custom Configs (3:11) 6- Full-stack Architecture (2:44) 7- Course Structure (2:24)

Redux? ES6 Refresher (00:48) 1 – Introduction (1:43) 2- Let vs Var vs Const (3:52) 3- Objects (2:45) 4- The this Keyword (2:49) 5- Binding this (2:36) 6- Arrow Functions (4:15) 7- Arrow Functions and this (4:14) 8- Method (3:36) 9- Object Destructuring (2:29) 10- Spread Operator (4:02) 11- Classes (3:45) 12- Inheritance (4:03) 13- Modules (4:11) 14- Named and Default Exports (5:15)

Components (01:17) 1- Introduction (1:38) 2- Setting Up the Project (2:06) 3- Your First React Component (5:20) 4- Specifying Children (4:16) 5- Embedding Expressions (4:50) 6- Setting Attributes (5:45) 7- Rendering Classes Dynamically (4:18) 8 – Rendering Lists (3:58) 9- Conditional Rendering (6:04) 10- Handling Events (2:49) 11- Binding Event Handlers (4:36) 12- Updating the State (2:14) 13- What Happens When State Changes (2:04) 14- Passing Event Arguments (3:04) 15- Setting Up the Vidly Project (5:38) 16- Exercises (3:25) 17- Building the Movies Component (7:18) 18- Deleting a Movie (5:18) 19- Conditional Rendering (3:26) 20 – Summary (0:36)


All you need is some basic, beginner-level familiarity with JavaScript.

You dont need to know anything about React everything is covered in the course.

Mastering React images

Sample film


After Extract with the player you want to see.

Subtitle: English (some items are not provided by the instructor)

Quality: 1080p


Code with Mosh – Mastering React 2020-2

Preview video


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