Laracasts – Learn Vue 2: Step By Step 2018-5

Laracasts – Learn Vue 2: Step By Step 2018-5


Learn Vue 2: Step By Step is the name of a video tutorial on web design and development in the field of working with the JavaScript programming language. Vue 2 is actually one of the well-known and popular JavaScript name frameworks. With the help of this framework, you will be able to design and build web and mobile applications. In this video course you will learn step by step how to work with this framework.

The training set in front of you will include 48 video training sessions. Dear students, to watch this course in full, you will need to watch more than 7 hours of video training. At the end of this training course you will be able to design and build application software. Vue has also been one of the most exciting add-ons available for front-end developers in recent years.

Features of Learn Vue 2: Step By Step:

An overview of the various features of Vue 2 first

Learn how to set up Vue Devtools in simple language

Provide various exercises that will assess you

Learn the structure and how to build real applications with Vue

Course Details Learn Vue 2: Step By Step:

Publisher: Laracasts

Level: Basic to Advanced

Duration: 07:31:44

Number of lessons: 48 lessons

English language

Course topics Learn Vue 2: Step By Step:

Basic Data Binding RUN TIME 4:13

Setup Vue Devtools RUN TIME 3:03

Lists RUN TIME 5:27

Vue Event Listeners RUN TIME 5:04

Attribute and Class Binding RUN TIME 5:57

The Need for Computed Properties RUN TIME 6:20

Components 101 RUN TIME 5:02

Components Within Components RUN TIME 2:36

Practical Component Exercise #1: Message RUN TIME 6:21

Practical Component Exercise #2: Modal RUN TIME 5:47

Practical Component Exercise #3: Tabs RUN TIME 14:58

Component Communication Example #1: Custom Events RUN TIME 5:59

Component Communication Example #2: Event Dispatcher RUN TIME 4:03

Named Slots in a Nutshell RUN TIME 5:54

Single-Use Components and Inline Templates RUN TIME 3:57

Webpack and vue-cli RUN TIME 9:31

Hot Module Replacement RUN TIME 3:48

Vue Ajax Requests With Axios RUN TIME 8:01

Object-Oriented Forms: Part 1 RUN TIME 17:00

Object-Oriented Forms: Part 2 RUN TIME 13:15

Object-Oriented Forms: Part 3 RUN TIME 8:30

Webpack Config From Scratch RUN TIME 18:30

This is Laravel Mix RUN TIME 10:14

Custom Input Components RUN TIME 8:38

Vue SPA Essentials: Routing RUN TIME 16:50

SPAs and the Backend RUN TIME 15:01

Vue Filters RUN TIME 2:30

Dedicated Form Components RUN TIME 14:08

Testing Vue: Part 1 RUN TIME 13:05

Vue Component Responsibility RUN TIME 8:36

Vue Subclassing RUN TIME 4:42

Scoped Slots RUN TIME 7:55

Wrap Existing Tools into Components RUN TIME 15:54

Create a Testimonials Component With Me RUN TIME 19:01

The Difference Between Debounce and Throttle RUN TIME 9:31

Mega Menus and One-to-One Relationships RUN TIME 15:54

Vue Portal Use Case #2 RUN TIME 7:04

Workshop – Contact Support Modal RUN TIME 18:44

Reusability RUN TIME 7:08

Reusability: Part 2 RUN TIME 15:19

Fixed to the Top RUN TIME 11:15

Fixed to the Top: Part 2 RUN TIME 5:31

Tooltips Three Ways RUN TIME 18:17

Render Functions: Part 1 RUN TIME 5:25

Extract and Generalize: Infinite Scrolling Refactor RUN TIME 9:44

Count Up RUN TIME 14:54

Conditional Visibility and Vue Transitions RUN TIME 12:35


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This tutorial does not have subtitles.

The quality of the videos is 1080p.


Laracasts – Learn Vue 2: Step By Step 2018-5

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