Code with Mosh – The Ultimate Docker Course 2021-4

Code with Mosh – The Ultimate Docker Course 2021-4


The Ultimate Docker Course is the name of a course that will help you master the use of Docker during a clear, concise and practical course. Docker is a platform for building, running and downloading applications, which is why most companies are looking for software engineers or DevOps with Docker skills.

What you will learn in The Ultimate Docker Course

Linux command line

Use Docker in your software

Interpret your Docker images correctly

Speed up your builds

Reduce the size of your Docker images

Share your Docker images with others

Maintain your stable data using volumes

Use Docker Compose to manage multi-container applications

Use Docker Machine to provide Docker hosts

Course information

Publisher: Code with Mosh Instructors: Mosh Hamedani English language Level of training: basic to advanced Number of courses: 100 Duration: about 5 hours


Getting Started (3m)

Introduction (0:53) Prerequisites (0:43) How to Take this Course (0:46) Supplementary Files Getting Help Follow Me Around

Introduction to Docker (25m)

Introduction (0:44) What is Docker (3:15) Virtual Machines vs Containers (3:14) Docker Architecture (2:14) Installing Docker (3:35) Development Workflow (2:16) Docker in Action (9:32) Summary A Note for Windows Users

The Linux Command Line (65m)

Introduction (0:51) Linux Distributions (1:02) Running Linux (5:11) Managing Packages (3:34) Linux File System (1:58) Navigating the File System (4:19) Manipulating Files and Directories (3:26) Editing and Viewing Files (3:54) Redirection (3:04) Searching for Text (2:18) Finding Files and Directories (3:23) Chaining Commands (5:05) Environment Variables (7:34) Managing Processes (2:55) Managing Users (7:01) Managing Groups (3:17) File Permissions (5:23) Summary

Building Images (65m)

Introduction (0:34) Images and Containers (2:41) Sample Web Application (3:06) Dockerfile Instructions (1:20) Choosing the Right Base Image (7:29) Copying Files and Directories (5:32) Excluding Files and Directories (3:03) Running Commands (1:26) Setting Environment Variables (1:25) Exposing Ports (1:27) Setting the User (4:49) Defining Entrypoints (6:06) Speeding Up Builds (6:38) Removing Images (2:46) Tagging Images (5:32) Sharing Images (4:19) Saving and Loading Images (3:28) Summary Cleaning Up

Working with Containers (30m)

Introduction (0:35) Starting Containers (3:03) Viewing the Logs (2:06) Publishing Ports (2:06) Executing Commands in Running Containers (1:58) Stopping and Starting Containers (0:57) Removing Containers (1:47) Containers File System (1:33) Persisting Data using Volumes (5:55) Copying Files between the Host and Containers (2:20) Sharing the Source Code with a Container (4:18) Summary

Running Multi-container Applications (50m)

Introduction (0:47) Installing Docker Compose (1:12) Cleaning Up our Workspace (3:07) The Sample Web Application (3:10) JSON and YAML Formats (4:12) Creating a Compose File (8:57) Building Images (3:37) Starting and Stopping the Application (2:10) Docker Networking (4:45) Viewing Logs (1:28) Publishing Changes (4:03) Migrating the Database (7:20) Running Tests (2:47) Summary

Deploying Applications (30m)

Introduction (0:45) Deployment Options (1:33) Getting a Virtual Private Server (1:03) Installing Docker Machine (1:01) Provisioning a Host (4:33) Connecting to the Host (2:03) Defining the Production Configuration (3:04) Reducing the Image Size (8:15) Deploying the Application (4:31) Troubleshooting Deployment Issues (7:03) Publishing Changes (2:42) Course Wrap Up


Most other courses assume so much Linux knowledge and throw weird, complex commands at you to teach you Docker. Not this course! You’ll learn everything you need to know from scratch. The only requirement is at least 3 months of coding experience and basic familiarity with Git.


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Subtitle: None (currently does not have a teacher)

Quality: 1080p


Code with Mosh – The Ultimate Docker Course 2021-4

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