WordWeb Pro Ultimate Reference Bundle 9.05 / 3.5 macOS

WordWeb Pro Ultimate Reference Bundle 9.05 / 3.5 macOS


WordWeb is a complete international dictionary of American, British, Canadian, Australian, Hindi and English words. Use WordPress to access many features such as audio pronunciation and the addition of new Oxford, Cambridge and Collins dictionaries. The free version of this product is available to you if you accept its license. Of course, users can also use the full version of the product, WordWeb Pro. To find the meaning of words with this program, just hold down the control key and right-click on the desired word anywhere. The combination key can be changed and you can define new shortcuts in the program settings. If you are editing an article, you can easily search for and replace synonyms in the article. This program is able to highlight the synonyms that you use the most to suggest to you when writing text.


Search for words anywhere, for example in the office, with just one click

Show each dictionary in a separate tab

Ability to add new dictionaries such as Cambridge

Human pronunciation of more than 70,000 words

Correct pronunciation of the text by observing syllables

Ability to bookmark favorite words

Highlight frequently used words

Connecting words that are similar in pronunciation

Find words by pattern

Ability to add new words to the database

Easy copy of the result into the clip

Search in a wide range of words

Add glasses by yourself

Import and export definitions and glossaries

Distinguish the meaning of words in American English, British, Canadian, Australian and Asian

Ability to hide alien words

Reverse full-text search

Show synonymous words with meanings

More than 13,000 synonyms and 165,000 word roots

Search over 290,000 words, combinations and derived shapes

70,000 pronunciations and pop-up views

70,000 examples for the use of words

Show words that are alphabetically close to each other


System requirements

System Requirements: – You do not need to be online to use WordWeb – You just need a computer running Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, 8 or 10 (desktop).

OS X 10.9 or later, 64-bit processor.


Generate the serial required for installation using the Keygen in the Crack folder.


WordWeb Pro Ultimate Reference Bundle 9.05 / 3.5 macOS

