UIDev – React 2020-6

UIDev – React 2020-6

UIDev React 2020-6



UIDev - React is a React training course. All courses in this series are prepared using an optimized structure for knowledge, not just an illusion of learning.

What you will learn in the UIDev-React course

Learn the basics of React

Course information

Publisher: UIDev English language Level of training: basic to advanced Number of courses: 60 Duration: 8 hours


Course Overview

Introduction, Philosophy, and Tips Projects (What you’ll build) State of React

React Overview

Why React? The React Ecosystem (Bonus) Composition vs Inheritance

The Road to Hello World

An Introduction to npm Webpack: A Gentle Introduction (Project) First Component JSX Tips and Gotchas for Beginners

Passing Data to Components

Introduction to Props (Solution) Props

Rendering Lists

Rendering Lists in React (Solution) Rendering Lists (Project) Popular Navbar

Managing State

Understanding the “this” keyword in JavaScript (Solution) State (Project) Navbar State (Project) Languages Nav

Validating Props with PropTypes

(Solution) PropTypes (Project) Language Nav PropTypes

The Component Lifecycle

The Component Lifecycle (Project) Fetch Repos (Project) Caching Repos (Project) Repositories Grid

Handling Form State

(Project) Battle Instructions Controlled vs Uncontrolled Components (Project) Player Input (Project) Render PlayerInput (Project) Player Preview (Project) Result’s Skeleton (Project) API (Project) Result’s Data (Project) Result’s UI

Composition with React children

(Project) Reusable Card Component (Project) Profile List (Project) Reset Players

Building Reusable Components

(Project) Loading Component


Check in

Code Sharing in React

(Project) Tooltip (Project) withHover Higher Order Component (Project) Hover Render Prop

Bypassing Props with React Context

React Context (Project) Theme Provider (Project) Toggle Theme (Project) Consume Theme

React Router

Introduction to React Router v4 (Project) Adding Routes (Project) Navbar React Router v4 Query Strings (Project) Query Strings 404 with React Router v4 (Project) 404

Better Classes with Class Fields

Class Fields (Project) Migrating to Class Fields

Performance Gains with Code Splitting

Code Splitting with React Router v4 (Project) Code Split

Production Builds and Hosting

(Project) Production Build (Project) Hosting with Netlify

Bonus Time

Next Steps


A fundamental understanding of JavaScript or familiarity with another programming language. For example, you should be comfortable with functions, arguments, loops, control flow, etc. If you want to jump straight in to the React courses, we recommend having a stronger knowledge of JavaScript, which you can get from our JavaScript courses if youre unsure.


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Quality: 2160p


UIDev – React 2020-6

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