Udemy – The Java Design Patterns Course 2019-12

Udemy – The Java Design Patterns Course 2019-12

Udemy The Java Design Patterns Course 2019-12



The Java Design Patterns Course is the name of a video training package in the field of programming and development in the Java language branch. In fact, this video course comprehensively teaches Java design patterns. You will learn how and why to use these templates by watching the tutorials in this course in a completely practical way. The design patterns taught to you in this course are all in high demand in the market. Therefore, advanced Java programmers need to learn these templates to implement them in their projects.

Also, the whole focus of education in this course is dedicated to the conceptual and complete learning of topics by students. At the end of this course, by learning Java design patterns, your work level will enter a new phase and you will gain very effective skills. It should be noted that this course is not suitable for beginner Java programmers and is only for people who have experience working with the Java language.

Items that are taught in this course

Understand and learn a variety of application design patterns in the Java programming language

Gain a correct and complete understanding of design patterns

Learn how to implement and use these templates in your projects

Upgrade your skills to become a Java programmer

Course information

English language

Duration: 23:58:00

Number of courses: 157

Level of education: intermediate to advanced

Instructor: Tim Buchalkas Learn Programming Academy, Jason Fedin

File format: mp4

The Java Design Patterns Course Topics

Course content 157 lectures 23:58:00

Introduction 6 lectures 01:19:26

Installing Required Software 6 lectures 49:07

Principles and Strategies of Design 11 lectures 02:44:46

UML 4 lectures 33:08

Creational Design Patterns 1 lecture 08:26

Factory Method 6 lectures 56:06

Abstract Factory Method 4 lectures 01:02:10

Singleton 10 lectures 01:02:13

Builder 5 lectures 01:04:18

Prototype 5 lectures 49:19

Structural Design Patterns 1 lecture 04:11

Adapter 8 lectures 01:07:47

Bridge 5 lectures 43:46

Composite 5 lectures 57:20

Decorator 5 lectures 40:11

Facade 5 lectures 34:54

Flyweight 5 lectures 53:58

Proxy 4 lectures 26:39

Structural Patterns Summary 1 lecture 05:46

Behavioral Design Patterns 1 lecture 06:03

Chain of Responsibility 4 lectures 39:41

Command 5 lectures 45:06

Interpreter 4 lectures 48:50

Iterator 4 lectures 33:03

Mediator 5 lectures 40:26

Memento 5 lectures 32:25

Observer 6 lectures 45:13

State 5 lectures 23:39

Strategy 5 lectures 33:26

Template Method 5 lectures 34:32

Visitor 5 lectures 44:10

Summary of Behavioral Patterns 1 lecture 06:49

MVC – Model View Controller 1 lecture 06:44

J2EE Patterns 1 lecture 13:06

Conclusion 1 lecture 14:33

Extra Information – Source code, and other stuff 2 lectures 08:21

Prerequisites for The Java Design Patterns Course

You should have a general understanding of Java – ideally by going through this channels Java Crash Course or Java Masterclass

A Windows computer, Linux machine, or a Mac so that the free IDE can be downloaded and install (full instructions included).

An open mind to learn something new and exciting which may make a huge difference in your future career.


After Extract, watch with your favorite Player.

English subtitle

Quality: 720p


The 2019/9 version has reduced the number of lessons and 4 minutes compared to 2019/2.


Udemy – The Java Design Patterns Course 2019-12

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