Udemy – Mathematics for Computer Games Development using Unity 2019-6

Udemy – Mathematics for Computer Games Development using Unity 2019-6

Udemy Mathematics for Computer Games Development using Unity 2019-6



Mathematics for Computer Games Development using Unity is the name of a series of video tutorials in the field of making and developing computer games and in the field of game development calculations. As you know, in making computer games, the subject of mathematics is very important and practical in everything from rendering to animation and physics and even artificial intelligence. A basic understanding of mathematics in game development will take you to a new stage of game development. At the end of this course, by learning math skills, you will become a capable and, of course, professional game maker.

In the Mathematics for Computer Games Development course, you will also learn how to work with geometric structures in two-dimensional and three-dimensional space with the help of C # classes. With the help of the techniques you will learn in this course, you will gain a very good understanding of the position and movement of objects in making computer games. Also, in this training course, Unity game engine has been used specifically. This introductory course for game developers can be considered a launching pad for becoming a computer game developer.

Items that will be taught in this course

Understand how to operate bits to optimize processing and storage in the gaming industry

Familiarity with your desired mathematics in order to understand how to move in 2D and 3D space

Learn how to build and use C # math libraries from basic level

Comprehensive knowledge and understanding of Bitwise, Bit Packing and Bitboard operations comprehensively

Familiarity with object positioning, orientation, vectors, matrices, etc.

Mathematics for Computer Games Development course using Unity

English language

Duration: 15 hours and 6 minutes

Number of lessons: 69

Teacher: Penny de Byl, Penny @ Holistic3D.com

File format: mp4

Course topics Mathematics for Computer Games Development using Unity

Course content 69 lectures 15:06:11

Introduction and Welcome 5 lectures 07:51

Bitwise Operations 12 lectures 02:38:13

Location 7 lectures 02:06:41

Vectors 15 lectures 03:26:58

Intersections 13 lectures 03:15:17

Affine Transformations 14 lectures 03:18:50

Final Words 3 lectures 13:10

Prerequisites for Mathematics for Computer Games Development using Unity

Mathematics for Computer Games Development Requirements:

Familiarity with the Unity Game Engine

Confidence in programming with C#

Mathematics skills to high school level (basic trigonometry and algebra).


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English subtitle

Quality: 720p


Udemy – Mathematics for Computer Games Development using Unity 2019-6

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