Frontend Masters – Functional-Light JavaScript, v3 2019-6 + Subtitles

Frontend Masters – Functional-Light JavaScript, v3 2019-6 + Subtitles

Frontend Masters Functional-Light JavaScript v3 2019-6



Frontend Masters - Functional-Light JavaScript, v3 is a JavaScript functional programming language course. JavaScript is one of the most popular languages in the world among programmers, which is used in the field of web development, web applications, server applications, web servers, games, mobile applications and even robotics. . Of course, it is mostly used to build web applications. In the Frontend Masters course - Functional-Light JavaScript, v3 you will learn the basic concepts of functional programming for greater readability and less error. Examples of what is taught in this course include purity of functions, point-free style, partial program, curiosity, composition, immutability, return, and so on. It goes without saying that the prerequisite for starting this course is basic knowledge in JavaScript.

Items that are taught in this course

Purity of function

Argument adapters

Style without dots




Course information

Publisher: Frontend Masters

Instructor: Kyle Simpson

Level: Basic to Advanced

Duration: 10:02:03

Number of lessons: 96 lessons

English language


96 lectures 10:02:03

Introduction 5 lectures 00:00:00-00:42:26

Function Purity 12 lectures 00:42:27-01:56:43

Argument Adapters 4 lectures 01:56:44-02:16:33

Point Free 5 lectures 02:16:34-02:50:59

Closure 10 lectures 02:51:00-03:57:32

Composition 7 lectures 03:57:33-04:34:00

Immutability 9 lectures 04:34:01-05:29:04

Recursion 11 lectures 05:29:05-06:35:53

List Operations 9 lectures 06:35:54-07:45:39

Transduction 6 lectures 07:45:40-08:34:52

Data Structure Operations 9 lectures 08:34:53-09:28:31

Async 5 lectures 09:28:32-09:46:21

Functional JS Utils 3 lectures 09:46:22-09:58:57

Wrapping Up 1 lecture 09:58:58-10:02:03


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Subtitle: English (separate)

Quality: 1080p


Frontend Masters – Functional-Light JavaScript, v3 2019-6 + Subtitles

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