Frontend Masters – Complete Intro to React, v5 2019-6 + Subtitles

Frontend Masters – Complete Intro to React, v5 2019-6 + Subtitles

Frontend Masters Complete Intro to React 5 2019-6



Complete Intro to React is the name of a training course on the Frontend Masters website that introduces you to the React framework and how to use it to build applications. React, also known as React.js, is a JavaScript library used to build user interfaces. React is maintained by Facebook and is widely used in the development of single-page software or mobile applications.

In this training course, you will first get acquainted with the introductory topics of the React framework and then gradually learn all its features in theory and practice. The instructor introduces you to hooks, effects, texts, and portals and explains how to use them in a project-oriented way. During this period you will use the essential tools in the React ecosystem such as Reach Router and design a complete application.

Items that will be taught in this course

Familiarity with the latest APIs

Build applications with React

Familiar with the essential tools for packaging client-side software

Use Prettier and ESLint tools

Write React with or without using JSX

Build a one-page application with Reach Router

Complete Intro to React course specifications

English language

Duration: 5 hours and 35 minutes

Number of courses: 60

Level of education: Intermediate

Instructor: Brian Holt

File format: mp4



Pure React





Dev Tools

Async & Routing

Class Components

Error Boundaries



Wrapping Up


You should be comfortable with JavaScript.

No React knowledge is required, but the workshop does move at a fast pace, so some experience is helpful.


After Extract, watch with your favorite Player.

Subtitle: English (separate)

Quality: 720p


Frontend Masters – Complete Intro to React, v5 2019-6 + Subtitles
