Udemy – The Complete React Native + Hooks Course [2020 Edition] 2021-2

Udemy – The Complete React Native + Hooks Course [2020 Edition] 2021-2


These days, mobile apps (especially Android) have affected almost every aspect of our lives. To build these apps on iOS, you need to learn Objective-C and Swift, and you need to learn Java on Android. But there are also frameworks that allow you to build these applications cross-platform or platform-independent. Some of these frameworks, such as Phonegap, Xamarin, and Ionic, struggle with problems such as learning complexity or inefficient output. But for some time now, a JavaScript framework called React Native has provided a platform that makes it possible for developers to build native Android and iOS applications in the JavaScript language. Teaches you.

The React Native Library was launched by Facebook in late March 2015, and it is interesting to note that most of Facebook's mobile app was created by this framework. Due to the increasing acceptance of this framework, we intend to provide you with one of the best Yodmi trainings. The title of this best-selling course is The Complete React Native and Redux Course, and it teaches you step-by-step how to build Android and iOS applications with the help of this framework.


If you are already familiar with web programming, it means you are familiar with JavaScript. The same knowledge is enough to pass this course to use your JavaScript knowledge to build mobile applications. By doing this, you mark with a double arrow. This means that your output will be ready for both platforms without the need to learn Swift and Java separately with one coding.

In this course, you will be fully acquainted with this framework; You will become familiar with smaller issues by breaking complex processes; Learn how to use JavaScript to create native objects on Android and iOS; You will learn how to use Firebase to build server applications; You will learn how to use Firebase to authenticate users and you will become familiar with many other topics involved in this powerful framework. During the course, educational concepts are provided along with examples, which greatly improves the understanding of the concepts.

The content of The Complete React Native + Hooks Course

Build real-time applications with the React Native platform

Understand the terms and concepts of Redux

Quick acquaintance with design principles in React and existing methodologies

Build reusable components

How to submit an app in the Play Store and Apple Store

Review the principles of user interface design

Course Details The Complete React Native + Hooks Course

English language

Duration: 38 hours and 25 minutes

Number of courses: 426

Instructor: Stephen Grider

Ability to play on: Windows, mobile, TV


All you need is basic understanding of Javascript

User manual

After Extract with the player you want to see.

The previous name of the training was The Complete React Native and Redux Course.

English subtitle

Quality: 720p

This tutorial was purchased by Downloadli. Let us know if there is a delay in the update.


Version 2020/3 has decreased by 2 lessons compared to 2020/2. No change in volume is due to no change in time.

Version 2020/4 has increased by 1 lesson compared to 2020/3.

Version 2020/5 has decreased by 4 lessons compared to 2020/4. Of course, due to the removal of Legacy topics, it is clear that a lot of new content has been added.

Version 2020/7 Compared to 2020/5, 7 lessons and 3 minutes have been added.

Version 2020/9 has increased by 4 lessons and 4 minutes compared to 2020/7.

Version 2021/2 has increased by 1 lesson compared to 9/2020.


Udemy – The Complete React Native + Hooks Course [2020 Edition] 2021-2 Udemy – The Complete React Native + Hooks Course [2020 Edition] 2021-2

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