Coursera – Mathematics for Machine Learning Specialization 2020-4

Coursera – Mathematics for Machine Learning Specialization 2020-4

Coursera Mathematics for Machine Learning Linear Algebra 2020-4



Mathematics for Machine Learning Specialization is the name of a set of video tutorials for learning machine skills. This educational series includes three video courses that you will get acquainted with the science of machine learning by watching it. In this tutorial you will focus specifically on the knowledge of mathematics in machine learning. At the end of all the course sessions, you will learn the mathematics in data science in the best possible way.

In this video course, you will become well acquainted with linear algebra. You will also understand the relationship between linear algebra and data. In another part of this series, you will learn about the types of functions and how to optimize them. This section includes introductory calculations and then topics such as vectors and matrices. In the final part, you will learn to make good use of what has been taught. Do not forget that by watching this course, you will start learning machine learning in the most basic way possible.

Items that are taught in this collection

Familiarity and understanding of general machine learning knowledge

Learn math topics for use in data science and machine learning

Understand the concept of linear algebra and its relationship to data

Familiarity with different types of functions such as matrices and vectors

Familiarity with multivariate accounts in order to train the neural network

Educational set specifications

Publisher: Coursera

English language

Number of courses: 3

Teachers: David Dye - Samuel J. Cooper - A. Freddie Page - Marc Peter Deisenroth

File format: mp4

Courses in this collection Mathematics for Machine Learning Specialization

Course 1 Mathematics for Machine Learning: Linear Algebra

Course 2 Mathematics for Machine Learning: Multivariate Calculus

Course 3 Mathematics for Machine Learning: PCA


After Extract, watch with your favorite Player.

Subtitle: English and several other languages

Quality: 720p


Coursera – Mathematics for Machine Learning Specialization 2020-4

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