Coursera – Applied Data Science with Python Specialization 2020-5

Coursera – Applied Data Science with Python Specialization 2020-5


Applied Data Science with Python Specialization is an educational suite offered by the University of Michigan that covers applied data science with Python. In this tutorial, instructors will introduce you to data science in 5 courses through the Python programming language. This skill-based training package is provided for those who have a basic background in the Python programming language and want to learn topics such as statistics, machine learning, information visualization, text analysis, and social networking.

At the beginning of the Applied Data Science with Python Specialization training series, you will get acquainted with data science in Python. Then you get into topics like application drawing, diagrams, and data representation by Python. After mastering these topics, you will learn machine learning in Python and prepare you for data science projects.

Items that are taught in this course

Perform statistical inference analysis

Determining whether data visualization is good or bad

Reinforce data analysis using machine learning

Analysis of social network connections

Course information

Publisher: Coursera

University: Michigan

Teachers: Christopher Brooks, Kevyn Collins-Thompson, V. G. Vinod Vydiswaran, Daniel Romero

Average level

Number of courses: 10 courses

English language

Courses offered within the collection

1. Introduction to Data Science in Python

2. Applied Plotting, Charting & Data Representation in Python

3. Applied Machine Learning in Python

4. Applied Text Mining in Python

5. Applied Social Network Analysis in Python


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Subtitle: English and.

Quality: 720p

This training includes 5 courses.


Coursera – Applied Data Science with Python Specialization 2020-5

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