Coursera – Fundamentals of Computing Specialization 2020-10

Coursera – Fundamentals of Computing Specialization 2020-10

Coursera Fundamentals of Computing Specialization 2020-10



Fundamentals of Computing Specialization is a computer science training course offered by Rice University. This collection covers most of the topics that a freshman computer science student goes through at this university. In this course, you will learn the highest level of Python programming skills from the lowest level and you will use these acquired skills in building and completing more than 20 attractive projects. Among the topics of this course are familiarity with interactive programming in Python, familiarity with the principles of computer science and computing, and algorithm-based thinking.

The language of choice for this course is Python, which is due to its ease of learning, high level and its use in many other computer science courses. In this course, you will learn basic programming elements such as expressions, terms, functions, and more advanced elements such as lists, dictionaries, and loops, as well as building interactive graphical applications, and with different principles and infrastructures of computer science such as You will become familiar with the science of probability and combinations and concepts such as returns and assertions. Analysis of two large and real data sets with the help of graph algorithms and advanced algorithms such as division and solution and dynamic programming are other topics of this course.

What skills do you acquire?


Principles of computer programming

Dynamic and logical programming

Programming with Python and Synatx

Objective programming

Tree data structure

Graph theory and combinations

Profile of Fundamentals of Computing Specialization

Publisher: Coursera

Instructors: John Greiner, Stephen Wong, Scott Rixner, Joe Warren, Luay Nakhleh

English language

Level of training: Beginner

Number: 7 courses

Duration of the course: with a suggested time of 4 hours per week, approximately 7 months


Knowledge of high school mathematics is required. No previous programming knowledge is required.


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English subtitle

Quality: 720p


Coursera – Fundamentals of Computing Specialization 2020-10

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