Coursera – AI for Medicine Specialization 2020-6

Coursera – AI for Medicine Specialization 2020-6

Coursera AI for Medicine Specialization 2020-6



AI for Medicine Specialization is a training package in the field of artificial intelligence in medical science. Artificial intelligence (machine intelligence) in computer science is the intelligence shown by machines. Artificial intelligence helps us to prepare the machine to learn and solve problems in various fields by using the commands we give to the machine. At present, artificial intelligence is widely used in the field of medical science and helps doctors to diagnose diseases more accurately. In the AI for Medicine Specialization training package, you will be fully acquainted with the uses of artificial intelligence in the medical industry.

Items that are taught in this course

Diagnosis of diseases using X-rays and 3D MRI images of the brain

Using tree-based models, more accurately predict patient survival

Estimation of treatment effects on patients using data from randomized trials

Automate the task of tagging medical datasets using natural language processing

Course information

Publisher: Coursera


Teachers: Pranav Rajpurkar, Bora Uyumazturk, Amirhossein Kiani, Eddy Shyu

Average level

Number of courses: 3 courses

English language

Courses offered within the collection

1. AI for Medical Diagnosis 2. AI for Medical Prognosis 3. AI For Medical Treatment


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Subtitle: English and.

Quality: 720p

This training includes 3 courses.


Coursera – AI for Medicine Specialization 2020-6

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