TMS FNC Blox XE7-XE10.2

TMS FNC Blox XE7-XE10.2


The tms fnc blox component allows programmers to add the ability to draw charts and flowcharts to their own program.

Features and specifications of TMS FNC Blox:

Ability to paint blocks and lines with the best quality

Open architecture to build custom blocks and the ability to inherit from basic classes

Standby flowcharts, flashes and electric blocks

Allows the points to which the links are connected to be customizable and allows the information to be connected to the block

Ability to design blocks as gradient, shadow and bitmap

Customize blocks completely: brush, brush, color, color selection, minimum width and height

Customize block text: horizontal and vertical alignment, font, word closure, cut

Link points in blocks can be programmed

Connection line (link) Customization: font, source arrow shape, target arrow shape

Arc and Bezier lines, polygonal objects

Supported block rotation (including text, bitmap and gradient)

Separate TTMSFNCBloxToolBar component for easy diagram editing without any line of code

Diagram snap grid

Diagram rules

Save / load charts for / from files and streams

Zoom in and out


Clipboard operation, remove and add object, zoom and more.

Supported platforms and platforms

VCL Win32/Win64

FMX Win32/Win64, macOS, iOS, Android

LCL Win32/Win64, macOS, iOS, Android, numerous Linux variants including Raspbian

System requirements

For Delphi  XE7, XE8, 10 Seattle, 10.1 Berlin ,10.2 Tokyo


To install the program, all you have to do is select and install the executable file according to your IDE. At the end of the installation, before running the IDE, go to the crack directory and copy the IDE-compliant edit to the program installation location.


TMS FNC Blox XE7-XE10.2

