Sivan Design CivilCAD 2014.1.0.0

Sivan Design CivilCAD 2014.1.0.0


CivilCAD is software for civil and road construction professionals. Relying on the experience of making CAD software for civil engineers around the world, this program has entered the field of competition. International award-winning CivilCAD is successful software for drawing, designing road, surface and subsurface infrastructure, as well as tools for designing and planning pipelines. This product performs scientific, accurate and intelligent calculations for earthquakes and tries to make disasters such as earthquakes meaningful and understandable so that the results of these analyzes can be used to optimize production. CivilCAD has made it even easier for engineers to integrate design and analytics tools and various tools into a single package, bringing high usability to users. In each version, according to customer feedback, this program solves the problems of the program and adds new features and capabilities to its products based on the needs of users.

CivilCAD Features and Features

Design, analysis and modeling of underground and above ground infrastructure

Three-dimensional and easy simulation

Ability to send output to AutoCAD software or import CAD drawings

One of the most advanced software for designing horizontal blocks, profiles and road walls

Two-dimensional and three-dimensional design of urban roads

A range of capabilities related to operation automation

Possibility of designing piping and sewage lines (defining the depth of the pipe, the size of the entrance and exit doors and accurate reporting of the required consumables)

Scientific and accurate earthquake calculations

Calculations in different layers and the possibility of merging results

Has a special mechanism for editing and adapting raw files

Effective communication with all measuring tools

And .


Sivan Design CivilCAD


After installation, copy the file in the Crack folder to the software installation location and run the program as Run as admin.


Sivan Design CivilCAD 2014.1.0.0

