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Active Partition Recovery is a powerful software for recovering hard disk partition data. There are many recovery software, some of which have many capabilities, some recover high speed, some user-friendly appearance and easy steps, and some more percentage of data. This product is a combination of all the features mentioned. Your drives may be lost due to a virus in your system. You may have unknowingly formatted a drive while installing Windows and in the partitioning process. Sometimes partitioning software may not work properly, or external conditions such as power outages in the middle of work may cause your drive data to be lost.
In all cases, this program can be life-saving. This software is a complete toolbox for recovering data from your hard disk drives. An important feature of this program is the existence of an iso version for making a bootable rescue disk. In addition to the CD, you can also save this file on a flash memory. When you do not have access to the system, you can easily recover lost partition information by using this disk. In this software, it is also possible to recover a specific file or folder.
The program also supports RAID disks. This software recovers data in two modes of surface and deep scan. Surface mode works best when not much time has passed since the data was deleted and you have not put any new information on the hard drive since then. Otherwise, Deep mode can more accurately recover even partitions that have been deleted or damaged for a long time. We recommend that you use this app once to try it, it will definitely not disappoint you!
IBM PC/AT compatible CPU Video must be VGA or better resolution (800 x 600) Intel 286 or higher for DOS version 640 Kb of RAM for DOS version Intel Pentium processor or higher for Windows version 128 Mb of RAM for Windows version
In the Readme file in the Crack folder.