Udemy – Zabbix 5 Application and Network Monitoring 2020-7

Udemy – Zabbix 5 Application and Network Monitoring 2020-7


Zabbix Application and Network Monitoring is the name of a video training package in the field of information technology and network security. ZBEX is an open source software for monitoring networks, operating systems and applications. You can use Zbix in home or enterprise networks. In this course you will learn how to install and configure Zabbix Proxy, Zabbix Server and several Zabbix Agents on Windows, Linux and Mac operating systems.

This training course will also be very suitable for network engineers and IT platform specialists who are part of the system administrators and intend to have adequate monitoring of the network. In this video tutorial you will also learn how to set up and configure LLD Discovery to automatically configure SNMP devices in specific groups. At the end of this course you will become a network monitoring specialist with the help of Zbix software.

Items that will be taught in this course

Learn how to install and configure Zabbix, Agents and Proxies

Familiarity with the rules and learning the necessary skills while performing the configuration

Set LLD Discovery rules and actions to automatically configure SNMP devices

Learn how to build a PCI DSS template to monitor hosts

Learn how to configure a domain name and SSL for a Zabbix server

Learn and get acquainted with how to build a Send Only SMTP server

Zabbix Application and Network Monitoring course specifications

English language

Duration: 10h 8m

Number of lessons: 76

Instructor: Sean Bradley

File format: mp4


You will need access to several PCs and/or locally hosted or cloud hosted VMs and/or Rasberry PIs. In this course I demonstrate various features using Windows 10, Ubuntu, Rasberry Pi and MacOSX You have the choice of using dedicated hardware, or using cloud or locally hosted VM managers such as Oracle Virtual Box. The more variation you can access, the better. Zabbix agents will run on most OSs, but Zabbix Server and Proxy will need Linux such as Ubuntu or CentOS In this course I predominantly demonstrate using Ubuntu Linux, but also provide CentOS equivalent commands in accompanying documentation where applicable.


After Extract, watch with your favorite Player.

Subtitle: None (as shown)

Quality: 720p


The 2020/7 version has increased by at least 3 lessons and 2 hours compared to 2019/12.


Udemy – Zabbix 5 Application and Network Monitoring 2020-7 Udemy – Zabbix 5 Application and Network Monitoring 2020-7

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