Udemy – React Front To Back 2021-1

Udemy – React Front To Back 2021-1


React Front To Back is the name of a video tutorial on web programming. In this course you will learn how to implement a real global project with Firebase / Firestore. In this course you will also learn master React 16.3+ completely and advanced. In this training course, the concepts that are used today are targeted.

In this course, it is assumed that students do not know anything and have been prepared from the beginning and from the elementary level. As the training sessions continue, you will also become an advanced level of working with React. Finally, in this course, you must design and implement a complete React / Redux admin panel project.

Features and characteristics of React Front To Back

Dear students, using this training course, you will be able to learn React content, concepts and tips from the basic to the advanced level. In this training course, you students will have 73 video training sessions in front of you, and at the end of this training course, you must create a complete and real project.

Course specifications

Publisher: Udemy

Instructor: Brad Traversy

Level: Basic to Advanced

Duration: 13 hours and 57 minutes

Number of lessons: 91 lessons

Language: English with English subtitles


You should have a basic understanding of HTML and JavaScript


After Extract, watch with your favorite Player.

English subtitle

Quality: 720p

This tutorial was purchased by Downloadli.


Version 2021/1 has not changed in number of courses and total time compared to 2020/6, but it has decreased in size by about 700 MB.


Udemy – React Front To Back 2021-1 Udemy – React Front To Back 2021-1

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