Udemy – Microservices Architecture and Implementation on .NET Core 2020-8

Udemy – Microservices Architecture and Implementation on .NET Core 2020-8


Microservices Architecture and Implementation on .NET Core, a microservice architecture training course and its implementation in .NET Core. Using Asp.Net Web API, Docker, RabbitMQ, MongoDB, Redis, SqlServer and Ocelot Gateway API. Micro-service is a design paradigm in which applications are made up of smaller, independent applications that interact with each other through well-defined contracts. This tutorial is about the architecture of virtual store modules using various micro-services such as goods, catalogs, shopping carts and ordering, with SQL-independent technologies such as MongoDB and Redis, and relational databases (Sql Server), along with Connection to RabbitMQ event-driven communications is provided by the Ocelot API gateway.

Step-by-step tutorial on the architecture, design and implementation of these microservices in .NET. Included in this course. In designing these microservices, in addition to the mentioned technologies, you will learn CRUD operations, implementation of Swagger Open API, Dockerfile, MediatR, Autofac, FluentValidator and many more. This tutorial will also teach you how to write quality code, architectural description of a layered application, Domain-Driven Design and Hexagonal architecture, along with applying SOLID principles and using design patterns to inject dependencies and much more. Introduces another. In general, this tutorial is for learning to code different microservices in the .NET platform. It is suitable with the help of various technologies along with familiarity with the relevant concepts.

What do you learn?

Development of microservices using ASPNET Core Web API along with REST API principles

SQL-independent databases such as Mongo DB and Redis using Docker

Implement clean architecture using the CQRS template

ASPNET Core web application using Razor pages


This training is suitable for people who

Beginner AspNet Core developers interested in using APIs and microservices

C # developers who want to learn how to build microservices on the Net. have

Software engineers who want to deal with microservices

Specifications of Microservices Architecture and Implementation on .NET Core

Publisher: Udemy

Instructor: Mehmet zkaya

English language

Level of training: Beginner

Number of lessons: 141 lessons in 9 sections

Duration: 13h 15m


C# knowledge (generics, async/await, anonymous methods, action, predicate)

Aspnet core basics knowledge

Docker basics knowledge


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English subtitle

Quality: 720p


Udemy – Microservices Architecture and Implementation on .NET Core 2020-8 Udemy – Microservices Architecture and Implementation on .NET Core 2020-8

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