Udemy – 2020 Complete Public Speaking Masterclass For Every Occasion 2020-2

Udemy – 2020 Complete Public Speaking Masterclass For Every Occasion 2020-2


2020 Complete Public Speaking Masterclass For Every Occasion is a complete and advanced public speaking training course for every event and occasion offered by Udemy.

This amazing, comprehensive and complete course is provided by TJ Walker and helps you to speak in any situation, for any audience and with any skill level.

This is one of the best-selling public speaking courses on Udemy, which has received the most points from course learners. More than 550 lessons distinguish it from any other course. It is also a very comprehensive course with more than 29.5 hours of training (almost twice as much as any training course in this field) for people who like to master the techniques of speech.

Items that will be taught in this course

How to look comfortable, confident and relaxed in any situation

How to speak so that your words remain in the memory of the listeners

How to act during a speech in any situation and any number of people

Speak clearly and understandably

Influence your audience

Course specifications on 2020/6

Publisher:: Udemy Instructor: TJ Walker Duration: 31h 11m Number of lessons: 603 lessons English language

Course Prerequisites

A willingness to speak out loud and not simply read or watch videos about speaking A willingness to try things outside of your comfort zone in order to learn new speaking skills


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English subtitle

Quality: 720p


Udemy – 2020 Complete Public Speaking Masterclass For Every Occasion 2020-2 Udemy – 2020 Complete Public Speaking Masterclass For Every Occasion 2020-2

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