Udemy – 20 Web Projects With Vanilla JavaScript 2020-1

Udemy – 20 Web Projects With Vanilla JavaScript 2020-1


20 Web Projects With Vanilla JavaScript Video tutorial for making 20 front-end mini-projects using HTML5, CSS and JavaScript from Udemy. This course is a fun, practical and project-oriented course for all skill levels. The projects of this course are designed so that you can create them using HTML5, CSS and JavaScript without a framework or library. Every project is built from scratch and has a kind of dynamic capability from mini-games to applications. Although this is a project-oriented course, the instructor will explain everything.

Features of Volume 20 Web Projects With Vanilla JavaScript

Work with local storage

Complete tutorial on JavaScript

Learn animation with CSS and JavaScript

Complete tutorial on HTML5 Canvas, Speech API, Audio & Video

Build 20 front-end projects from scratch without using ready-made frameworks

Course information

English language

Duration: 16:07:05

Number of courses: 121

Instructor: Brad Traversy

File format: mp4


Introduction 3 lectures 09:09

1: Form Validator | Intro Project 6 lectures 55:15

2: Movie Seat Booking | DOM & Local Storage 6 lectures 59:24

3: Custom Video Player | HTML5 Video API 5 lectures 36:24

4: Exchange Rate Calculator | Fetch & JSON Intro 5 lectures 38:45

5: DOM Array Methods | forEach, map, filter, sort, reduce 8 lectures 51:20

6: Menu Slider & Modal | DOM & CSS 5 lectures 40:56

7: Hangman Game | DOM, SVG, Events 7 lectures 01:02:48

8: Meal Finder | Fetch & MealDB API 5 lectures 57:39

9: Expense Tracker | Array Methods & Local Storage 7 lectures 52:25

10: Music Player | HTML5 Audio API 6 lectures 48:12

11: Infinite Scroll Posts | Fetch, Async/Await, CSS Loader 6 lectures 34:17

12: Typing Game | DOM, Intervals, Events 6 lectures 44:29

13: Speech Text Reader | Speech Synthesis 6 lectures 49:02

14: Memory Cards | CSS Effects, Local Storage 8 lectures 01:07:35

15: Lyrics Search App | Fetch, Pagination, Lyrics.ovh API 6 lectures 53:34

16: Relaxer App | CSS Animations, setTimeout 4 lectures 25:09

17: Breakout Game | HTML5 Canvas API 8 lectures 01:07:06

18: New Year Countdown | DOM, Date & Time 4 lectures 31:25

19: Sortable List | Drag & Drop API 6 lectures 50:51

20: Speak Number Guessing Game | Speech Recognition 4 lectures 31:20


Basic knowledge in HTML, CSS & JavaScript


After Extract with the required Player.

English subtitle

Quality: 720p

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Udemy – 20 Web Projects With Vanilla JavaScript 2020-1

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