Coursera – Google IT Support Professional Certificate 2020-10

Coursera – Google IT Support Professional Certificate 2020-10


The Google IT Support Professional Certificate is an IT support professional training course and preparation for exams related to this profession, including the CompTIA A Plus exam offered by the well-known company Google. In fact, this course is your launching pad for starting an IT career, during which you will gain many practical and important skills. Through the many examples and practical tests included in this course, you will become familiar with a variety of topics, including troubleshooting, customer service, networking, operating systems, system management, and security; Topics that are essential skills needed to enter the IT support profession.

In this tutorial, you will become familiar with the various scenarios that occur for an IT backup virtually and learn the available solutions for different situations. How to assemble a computer, simulate networking, write documentation efficiently and efficiently, routes and subnets for routing, wireless networking, device software management, public and asymmetric key encryption methods, Anomaly management and many more are among these scenarios and trainings. By acquiring the skills taught in this course, you can be employed in a variety of occupations such as system analyst, support specialist, database manager, IT technician and computer specialist.

What are you learning?

Gain the skills needed to succeed in entering the IT profession

Perform tasks and tasks of IT support such as computer assembly, wireless networking, software installation, etc.

How to provide person-to-person support, from diagnosing problems to troubleshooting

Familiarity with how to use different systems such as Linux, Windows, domain name systems, command-line interface (Command-Line) and binary code

What skills do you acquire?

Cryptographic techniques and algorithms

Customer service and support, troubleshooting and troubleshooting

Network Protocols and Modeling, DNS, Ipv4

Cloud computing


Specifications of Google IT Support Professional Certificate

Publisher: Coursera

Instructor: Google

English language

Level of training: Beginner

Number: 5 courses

Course duration: Approximately 150 hours


None! Whether youre completely new to the field or have had some exposure to IT, this is the right program for you. If youre already familiar with the subject matter, you can skip directly to the graded assessments.


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English subtitle

Quality: 720p


Coursera – Google IT Support Professional Certificate 2020-10

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