Weather Timeline Forecast for Android +4.0

Weather Timeline Forecast for Android +4.0




Weather Timeline Forecast is a very powerful weather forecasting app anywhere on earth. With this program, you will be able to see the weather in an area in the next few days or receive a warning device during a storm. Weather Timeline Forecast is one of the most popular Google Play software and has a stylish and beautiful design that distinguishes it from any other program. If you are planning to travel to different places for vacation, you can find out about the situation in the city in the next few days and prepare yourself before traveling. This program is not limited to English only and also supports other popular languages. Weather Timeline Forecast is also able to show the rainfall of an area in different months of the year using different charts and charts.

Features of Weather Timeline Forecast

Ability to customize the theme

Show simple graphs and charts to compare the weather on several different days

Local weather warnings

Support for several different languages

Simple, beautiful and stylish design

Use the timeline to display information

Android wear support

Weather forecast for the coming days, months and years

Warning in bad and stormy weather

Use different colors to show the weather

Table layout

Changes to the latest version of Weather Timeline Forecast

Data & updating will tell you why it is updating in the background Updated to digital watch face (changed layout and improved performance) Added option to change ambient card peeking mode to watch face Watch face will now change snow on graph to white Watch face precip graph will animate Can choose background color/text color for watch face Improved performance for widget lines Bug fixes

System requirements

Android 4.0 and up



If there is an installation error, first remove the previous version and then install the new version.
