Udemy – The Git & Github Bootcamp 2021-2

Udemy – The Git & Github Bootcamp 2021-2

Udemy The Git Github Bootcamp 2021-2



The Git & Github Bootcamp is a gateway and gateway hub training course with which you will learn various points in various cases such as rebasing, squashing, stashing, reflogs, blobs, trees. Git is a vital tool for working in the field of coding, which can range from data science to game development or machine learning. This course covers everything you need to know to get started with Git and Github. The topics of this course are included in four main sections including Gate Basics, Advanced Gate Level, Github and Collaboration, and finally the last section where the useful Gate commands and more advanced topics are taught.

What you will learn in The Git & Github Bootcamp

Understand how Git works

Explain the difference between Git objects: including trees, blobs, commits, and annotated tags

Gain Workflow Skills: Add and Save

Working with Git branches

Perform Git integration and resolve merger conflicts

Use Git diff to show changes over time

Gain skills in Git stashing

Undo changes using git restore, git revert and git reset

Work with local tanks and remotes

Gain Collaboration Workflow Skills

Squash project, clear and rewrite history using interactive rebase

Recover lost projects using git reflogs

Write custom and powerful Git nicknames

Mark release and versions using Git tags

Host static sites using Github pages

Build markdown README

Share code using Github Gists

Course information

Publisher: Udemy Instructors: Colt Steele English language Level of training: basic to advanced Number of lessons: 185 Duration: 16 hours and 50 minutes


Basic computer skills


After Extract, watch with your favorite Player.

English subtitle

Quality: 720


Udemy – The Git & Github Bootcamp 2021-2 Udemy – The Git & Github Bootcamp 2021-2

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