Udemy – ROS for Beginners: Basics, Motion, and OpenCV 2019-7

Udemy – ROS for Beginners: Basics, Motion, and OpenCV 2019-7

Udemy ROS for Beginners Basics Motion and OpenCV 2019-7



ROS for Beginners Basics Motion OpenCV is the name of a video training package in the field of information technology and software in the field of robotics. In this training course, you, dear students, will get acquainted with the robot operating system (ROS) from the beginning in a basic and basic way. As you know, ROS-based programming has always been a problem for users. But by watching this course, you will amazingly improve your skills. In addition to learning the basic concepts, in this course you will become familiar with the two main concepts of movement and perception in robotics.

On the other hand, you can get much better information in this course with the help of the powerful OpenCV library, which is known as the most comprehensive computer vision library. The approach of this course is such that all the contents will be provided to the user step by step. In addition to learning basic skills, you will experience your first project with ROS in C ++ and Python. This course is also recommended for ROS programmers and developers as well as robotics students.

Items that will be taught in this course

Complete and basic knowledge of robot operating system (ROS)

Learn how to build simple programs to move a robot

Start writing a real project in C ++ and Python

Learn how to develop simple computer vision applications with the help of ROS and OpenCV

Learning and using the concept of movement and perception in robotic knowledge

ROS course specifications for Beginners Basics Motion OpenCV

English language

Duration: 09:36:57

Number of courses: 74

Instructor: Anis Koubaa

File format: mp4

ROS Course Topics for Beginners Basics Motion OpenCV

Course content 74 lectures 09:36:57

Introduction 3 lectures 08:51

Installation and Environment Setup 6 lectures 27:57

ROS Ecosystem 4 lectures 41:51

ROS Topics 7 lectures 01:18:33

ROS Services 6 lectures 33:51

Motion in ROS 9 lectures 01:33:21

ROS Tools and Utilities 3 lectures 26:46

Perception I: Computer Vision in ROS with OpenCV 15 lectures 01:50:54

Perception II: Laser Range Finders (Laser Scanner) 9 lectures 01:11:38

Rosserial: Connecting new Hardware (Arduino) with ROS 11 lectures 57:13

Bonus 1 lecture 00:26

Prerequisites for the ROS course for Beginners Basics Motion OpenCV

Knowledge in C++ and/or Python Programming language.

Want to learn ROS

Eager to learn robotics


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English subtitle

Quality: 720p


Udemy – ROS for Beginners: Basics, Motion, and OpenCV 2019-7

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