Udemy – MATLAB onramp 2020: coding, concepts, confidence, and style 2020-8

Udemy – MATLAB onramp 2020: coding, concepts, confidence, and style 2020-8

Udemy MATLAB onramp 2020 coding concepts confidence and style 2020-8



MATLAB onramp 2020: coding, concepts, confidence, and style, MATLAB key programming skills training course including debugging, functions and illustration, which is the difference between novices and professionals. MATLAB is one of the most powerful software for data visualization, simulation, massive and complex data analysis and linear algebra and is also widely used in academic education, research and industry. This course teaches MATLAB programming more skillfully than memorizing code and commands; In this way, you can apply the thinking and critical skills, debugging and debugging strategies, and programming styles you learn in this course extensively in any other language.

During this training, you will get acquainted with various topics; From basic topics such as personalizing the software environment, basics of programming in MATLAB, using control terms such as loops and building functions, to more advanced topics such as data visualization and editing. Also, how to write legible, clean and quality code, common debugging strategies, avoiding common mistakes, and organizing and improving code before writing are other topics in this tutorial. This course is designed to require no prior programming skills, and the many examples of MATLAB programming included throughout the course (over 1,500 lines of code) will help you get the most out of it. Skills accompany without prior knowledge.

What do you learn?

How to send HTTP request in Python

Authentication and login to websites using Requests

Extract data from multiple pages (by recursive methods)

Extract data from APIs

Work with LXML and Splash modules


This training is suitable for people who

Students who need MATLAB in their studies or for research

People who need to use MATLAB to understand math and engineering concepts

Professional programmers unfamiliar with MATLAB

People who want to learn programming

MATLAB onramp 2020 specifications: coding, concepts, confidence, and style

Publisher: Udemy

Instructor: Mike X Cohen

English language

Level of training: from basic to advanced

Number of lessons: 58 lessons in 10 sections

Duration: 10h 21m


Prior experience with MATLAB is NOT necessary!

But a bit of programming familiarity (in any language) will be helpful.

Either MATLAB or Octave (a free MATLAB-like program) installed on your computer.

Mathematics background is NOT necessary.


After Extract, watch with your favorite Player.

English subtitle

Quality: 720p


Udemy – MATLAB onramp 2020: coding, concepts, confidence, and style 2020-8 Udemy – MATLAB onramp 2020: coding, concepts, confidence, and style 2020-8

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