Udemy – Master the Coding Interview: Big Tech (FAANG) Interviews 2021-2

Udemy – Master the Coding Interview: Big Tech (FAANG) Interviews 2021-2

Udemy Master the Coding Interview Big Tech FAANG Interviews 2020-10



Master the Coding Interview: Big Tech (FAANG) Interviews is a professional training course for accepting interviews in the field of coding and, in particular, interviews with technology giants for employment by them. This course is one of the best trainings for success in FAANG interviews (FAANG stands for 5 big technology companies - Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Google). Of course, the training of this course is not limited to these 5 companies and the skills and techniques taught can be used to succeed in interviews and tests of all technology companies. Some people, even with high coding knowledge, can not Answer the relevant questions appropriately and therefore refrain from hiring in large companies and using their skills.

This course is precisely designed to solve this problem. With the help of the strategies, lessons and exercises of this training, you will learn how to complete the coding interviews with the highest scores and achieve the desired job in your ideal company. Instead of asking you to memorize frequently asked questions, this course will teach you a step-by-step framework and solution so that you can answer each question appropriately. Big O notation and data structures such as hash tables, linked lists, stacks, rows, binary and search trees, matrices and graphs, return algorithms, tree navigation, graph navigation, first depth search and algorithms More specialized, such as Bellman-Ford and Dexter, are some of the topics covered in this course.

What do you learn?

Earn the highest scores in interviews with technology companies

Step-by-step guide to answering frequently asked questions

Efficient tips and tricks based on the experience of former employees of prominent companies

Forming a mental framework for achieving coding problem solving skills

Use the correct data structures and algorithms during the interview

Mastery of the principles and foundations of computer science

This training is suitable for people who

People who want to work in high-tech companies such as Google, Amazon, Facebook, etc.

All engineers, developers and programmers who want to improve their interviewing skills

Anyone interested in improving whiteboard coding and problem solving skills

Self-taught programmers who do not have a computer science degree

Profile of Master the Coding Interview: Big Tech (FAANG) Interviews

Publisher: Udemy

Instructor: Andrei Neagoie, Yihua Zhang

Level of education: Intermediate

English language

Number of courses: 283

Duration: 36 hours and 10 minutes


No previous computer science knowledge necessary

Basic understanding of one programming language


After Extract, watch with your favorite Player.

English subtitle

Quality: 720p

This tutorial has been purchased exclusively by Downloadli.


The tutorial was purchased in 2020/11 and subtitles were added and the shortcomings were fixed.

The 2020/12 version has increased by 3 lessons and about 30 minutes compared to the 11/2020.

Version 2021/1 has increased by about 2 minutes compared to 2020/12.

Version 2021/2 has increased by 3 lessons and 3 minutes compared to 1/2021.


Udemy – Master the Coding Interview: Big Tech (FAANG) Interviews 2021-2 Udemy – Master the Coding Interview: Big Tech (FAANG) Interviews 2021-2

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