Udemy – JSON in Action: Build JSON-Based Applications 2019-6

Udemy – JSON in Action: Build JSON-Based Applications 2019-6

Udemy JSON in Action Build JSON-Based Applications 2019-6



JSON in Action Build JSON-Based Applications is the name of a video training package in the field of web design and development in the JSON branch. In this course you will be introduced to the concept of JSON from the beginning and you will be able to implement a variety of applications based on it. You can also learn how to develop your web applications using real-world APIs. You will also run two real projects during this course, which will help you learn the concepts and skills in a practical way.

This video course provides you with all the tutorials step by step. Familiarity with the basic rules and different types of data will help you learn the best way to develop web applications with the help of JSON. You will also learn how to use JSON with JavaScript. In this course, you will learn how to use AJAX techniques to communicate with an API and collect JSON output returned by the API. In another section you will also learn how to use JSON with PHP.

Items that will be taught in this course

Understand why JSON was not part of JavaScript

Learn, understand and familiarize yourself with the differences between JSON and XML

Learn why JSON has become so popular as a data exchange format

Familiarity and excellent understanding of JSON data types at simple to advanced levels

Learn how to gather the necessary information from complex JSON data

Learn how to use JSON with PHP and develop your own programs with the help of popular APIs

JSON course specifications in Action Build JSON-Based Applications

English language

Duration: 4 hours and 35 minutes

Number of courses: 43

Instructor: Crypters Infotech

File format: mp4

JSON course titles in Action Build JSON-Based Applications

Course content 43 lectures 04:35:48

Introduction to JSON 4 lectures 22:32

JSON Syntax and Data Types 10 lectures 46:12

JSON on Client Side (JSON and JavaScript) 8 lectures 47:22

JSON and APIs (Application Programming Interface) 4 lectures 30:07

JSON with Other Programming Languages 6 lectures 29:53

Bits and Pieces of Useful Information 2 lectures 39:56

Let’s Develop 8 lectures 01:00:29

BONUS Section 1 lecture 00:31

Prerequisites for the JSON course in Action Build JSON-Based Applications

Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP would be helpful (not necessary)

Any text editor and a web browser


After Extract, watch with your favorite Player.

English subtitle

Quality: 720p


Udemy – JSON in Action: Build JSON-Based Applications 2019-6

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