Udemy – Excel VBA Programming – The Complete Guide 2020-1

Udemy – Excel VBA Programming – The Complete Guide 2020-1

Udemy Excel VBA Programming The Complete Guide 2020-1



Excel VBA Programming - The Complete Guide is the name of the Microsoft Excel software programming training package. In this training package, VBA programming in Excel software is examined. Microsoft Excel software is one of the most popular office and business software in the world and of course Iran. Normally, without programming, you can not get everything you need. But with VBA programming knowledge, you will be able to do anything in Microsoft Excel software.

To add new features, depending on your needs, you should be able to do your features in the Visual Basic programming environment. In this tutorial you will learn the programming language you need for Excel software. The training package in front of you will be a unique collection for you.

Excel VBA Programming Course Features - The Complete Guide

In this training course, which includes 18 hours of video training, you will be given the necessary training from the simple to the advanced level. In this 17-season series, you will see 157 training sessions in front of you. In this tutorial you will learn how to make everything you need in Microsoft Excel software a reality.

Course specifications

Publisher: Udemy

Instructor: Boris Paskhaver

Level: Basic to Advanced

Duration: 17:57:51

Number of lessons: 158 lessons

English language

Excel VBA Programming - The Complete Guide

Course content 158 lectures 17:57:51

Getting Started 10 lectures 01:15:14

The Fundamentals of the Excel Object Model 7 lectures 51:39

The Visual Basic Editor 5 lectures 50:07

Objects and Methods 6 lectures 38:18

Variables and Data Types 13 lectures 01:20:06

Procedures 7 lectures 47:10

Object Deep Dive 14 lectures 01:07:45

Range References 15 lectures 01:26:13

Range Actions 14 lectures 01:22:19

Conditionals 6 lectures 45:55

Iteration 7 lectures 01:06:28

Miscellaneous Features 8 lectures 49:43

Arrays 7 lectures 41:48

Functions 8 lectures 01:00:24

Debugging 6 lectures 42:25

Events 8 lectures 46:59

User Forms 17 lectures 01:48:35


A modern version of Microsoft Excel for Windows

Intermediate knowledge of popular Excel features

Basic knowledge of data types

A desire to learn


After Extract, watch with your favorite Player.

English subtitle

Quality: 720p


Version 2020/1 has increased by 1 lesson and 1 minute compared to 2018/4. Subtitle added.


Udemy – Excel VBA Programming – The Complete Guide 2020-1

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