Udemy – Discrete Mathematics 2020-5

Udemy – Discrete Mathematics 2020-5

Udemy Discrete Mathematics 2020-5



Discrete Mathematics is a course for professors of discrete mathematics for students of computer science and mathematics. Discrete mathematics is the backbone of mathematics and computer science. The topics covered in this course include some of the most important topics that any math student may encounter one day.

What you will learn in the Discrete Mathematics course

You will learn and develop the ability to think, read and write absolutely and mathematically.

Learn the basics of set theory including builder notation and the functions and properties of sets

Learning the truth, paradoxes, De Morgan rules in logic, logical equivalence and setting a mesmerizing proposition

How to make tables of correctness and determine the correctness or incorrectness of a compound term

How to read, write and prove mathematical expressions using a variety of methods

Understand Boolean expressions, black boxes, logic gates and digital circuits

Understand the basics of Archimedes' theorem, computational modular, and how to find GCD and LCM

Gain a solid foundation in functions, combination of functions, two-way and inverse functions

Find equivalence classes and relationships

Essential concepts in probability and composition

Gain skills in arithmetic and geometric sequences and sets

Learn the basics of graph theory including incidence and adjacency matrices, walks, eccentricity, hamiltonian paths and circuits, connectedness, and Ores Theorem.

Course information

Publisher: Udemy Instructors: Miran Fattah English language Level of training: basic to advanced Number of courses: 124 Duration: 18 hours and 54 minutes


A fair background in algebra.


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English subtitle

Quality: 720p


Udemy – Discrete Mathematics 2020-5 Udemy – Discrete Mathematics 2020-5

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