Udemy – Deep Learning Prerequisites: Logistic Regression in Python 2021-1

Udemy – Deep Learning Prerequisites: Logistic Regression in Python 2021-1

Udemy Deep Learning Prerequisites Linear Regression in Python 2021-1



Deep Learning Prerequisites: Logistic Regression in Python is a training course from Udemy that teaches you about logistic regression and coding in Python. This course is related to the science of deep learning and neural networks and teaches you one of the main and widely used techniques in machine learning, data science, and statistical knowledge. In this course, you will get acquainted with logistic regression theory and learn how to solve various problems with its help.

During this course you will learn how to apply deep learning science to a variety of issues and learn how to code a logistic regression module in Python. The project that is built during this period is related to how to predict the user activity on a website, with the help of which you can get information such as the type of device used, visiting the site's products, the duration of the site, and the time of the visit. Bring. At the end of the course, another project will be created that you can use to recognize people's faces from the pictures.

Items that will be taught in this course

Logistic regression programming in Python

Familiarity with the application of logistic regression in data science

Find errors and role updates for logistic regression

Use of logistic regression for biological neurons

Use logistic regression to solve business problems

Understand the reason for using regularity in machine learning

Deep Learning Prerequisites course specifications: Logistic Regression in Python

English language

Duration: 6h 24m

Number of lessons: 54

Level of education: Intermediate

Instructor: Lazy Programmer Inc

File format: mp4

Course topics Logistic Regression in Python


Course content 58 lectures 05:59:44

Start Here 4 lectures 18:00

Basics: What is linear classification? What’s the relation to neural networks? 9 lectures 33:44

Solving for the optimal weights 11 lectures 46:13

Practical concerns 11 lectures 54:11

Checkpoint and applications: How to make sure you know your stuff 3 lectures 10:21

Project: Facial Expression Recognition 6 lectures 40:59

Appendix / FAQ 14 lectures 02:36:16


Prerequisites for the Logistic Regression course in Python

Derivatives, matrix arithmetic, probability

You should know some basic Python coding with the Numpy Stack

Install numpy and matplotlib


After Extract, watch with your favorite Player.

Subtitle: English and Spanish

Quality: 720p


Version 2020/3 has increased by 2 lessons and about 10 minutes compared to 2018/10.

Version 2020/7 has increased by 1 lesson and 13 minutes compared to 2020/3.

Version 2021/1 has decreased by 5 lessons compared to 2020/7, but has increased by 12 minutes.


Udemy – Deep Learning Prerequisites: Logistic Regression in Python 2021-1 Udemy – Deep Learning Prerequisites: Logistic Regression in Python 2021-1 Udemy – Deep Learning Prerequisites: Logistic Regression in Python 2021-1

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