Udemy – Data Analysis with Pandas and Python 2021-1

Udemy – Data Analysis with Pandas and Python 2021-1

Udemy Data Analysis with Pandas and Python 2021-1



Data Analysis with Pandas and Python is the name of a video tutorial on data analysis using Python and Panda's popular library. In this training course, you will start learning the necessary skills and concepts from the beginner level. In fact, by watching this training course, you will learn to perform many different operations on different types of data with the help of the Panda Library. When you watch this course, you will be able to quickly and easily analyze your information and data using the Python programming language and the Pandas library.

In this tutorial you will also see various topics such as installation, sorting, filtering, filtering, filtering, etc. in data analysis. If you master the concepts and skills presented in this course, you will actually be able to analyze data from Microsoft Excel software as well. Also, the proper presentation of this course is one of the features of this video course.

Features of Data Analysis with Pandas and Python:

Basic to advanced learning One of the most popular Python libraries is the Panda Library

Learn how to use the Panda Library to analyze all kinds of information and data

Learn how to use the Panda Library to analyze Excel software data

Learn concepts such as installation, sorting, filtering, filtering, filtering, etc.

Data Analysis course specifications with Pandas and Python:

Publisher: Udemy

Instructor: Boris Paskhaver

Level: Basic to Advanced

Duration: 20 hours and 35 minutes

Number of lessons: 169 lessons

English language

Course Topics Data Analysis with Pandas and Python:


Basic / intermediate experience with Microsoft Excel or another spreadsheet software (common functions, vlookups, Pivot Tables etc)

Basic experience with the Python programming language

Strong knowledge of data types (strings, integers, floating points, booleans) etc


After Extract, watch with your favorite Player.

English subtitle

Quality: 720p

This tutorial was purchased by Downloadli. Let us know if there is a delay in the update.


Version 2020/1 has increased by 1 lesson and 1 minute compared to 2019/10.

The 2020/3 version is about 30 minutes longer than the 2020/1 version.

Version 2020/5 has decreased by 14 lessons and about 25 minutes compared to 2020/3. But it has increased in size by about 500 MB.

Version 2020/8 has increased by 6 lessons and about 2 hours compared to 2020/5.

Version 2021/1 has increased by 1 lesson compared to 2020/8.


Udemy – Data Analysis with Pandas and Python 2021-1 Udemy – Data Analysis with Pandas and Python 2021-1

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