Udemy – Akka HTTP with Scala | Rock the JVM 2020-5

Udemy – Akka HTTP with Scala | Rock the JVM 2020-5

Udemy Akka HTTP with Scala Rock the JVM 2020-5



Rock the JVM! Akka HTTP with Scala is an application training course provided by the Udemy site that teaches you how to build a REST API and dynamic microservices with the Akka HTTP module and the Scala programming language. Akka HTTP is a powerful module for setting up an HTTP server or client side stack on akter and akka stream. Akka is a free and open source toolkit that simplifies the process of building distributed applications on JVM. With the help of Akka you can speed up the development of simultaneous applications up to 10 times faster and enjoy its many benefits.

This tutorial will teach you how to start building dynamic microservices, backends, and REST APIs using Akka HTTP. During this course you will write more than 2000 lines of code and learn valuable skills for developing various applications. This course is designed for programmers who have experience working with Scala and Akka tools and help them to write better and more efficiently.

Items that will be taught in this course

Build dynamic microservices

REST API design

Set up server-side or HTTP client-side stacks

JSON integration

Working with a web browser

Authentication by JWT

Integration and coordination with Akka Actors and Akka Streams

Rock the JVM! Akka HTTP with Scala

English language

Duration: 10:11:43

Number of courses: 28

Level of education: Intermediate

Instructor: Daniel Ciocrlan

File format: mp4


Course content 28 lectures 10:11:43

Introduction 5 lectures 01:15:41

Akka HTTP Low-Level Server API 6 lectures 02:25:33

Akka HTTP High-Level Server API 13 lectures 05:26:11

Akka HTTP Client API 3 lectures 01:03:48

Epiloguie 1 lecture 00:30


Advanced Scala Akka Essentials: how to work with actors Akka Streams: components and materialization HTTP basics: requests, responses, status codes, how to call an endpoint


After Extract, watch with your favorite Player.

English subtitle

Quality: 720p

This tutorial was purchased by Downloadli with the participation of one of the users.


Version 2020/5 compared to 2019/5 has a small change in one of the topics.


Udemy – Akka HTTP with Scala | Rock the JVM 2020-5

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