Traysoft AddTapi.NET 5.1

Traysoft AddTapi.NET 5.1

Traysoft AddTapi.NET 5.1



With Traysoft AddTapi.NET you can easily add phone features to C #, VB.NET and C ++ applications. AddTapi.NET provides everything you need to develop phone applications. Including: IVR system, Caller ID, Voicemail system, Alert system, Call tracking and Phone survey. AddTapi.NET continued with the phone programming interface and provided a set of easy classes for CTI software development. AddTapi requires the .NET Framework version 2.0 - 4.5 and works with all .NET platforms Visual Studio 2005-2013, Visual C #, Visual Basic .NET (VB.NET) and Visual C ++.

Features and capabilities of Traysoft AddTapi

Monitor incoming and outgoing calls: Alert the app when receiving a new call

Answer incoming calls automatically: Automatically answer calls after a certain number of calls

Multi-line support

Audio player: Supports all .wav files

Obtain caller id

Text-to-speech using TTS (text-to-speech)

Make Outgoing Calls: Recognize when a call was answered and report the call when the number was busy

DTMF cultivar detection

Record voice calls: Stall calls as a .wav file

Call transfer: Call transfer to another format and number

Put the call on hold

Establish and control conference calls

Detect telephone devices, add / remove at runtime

Click here for full information on Traysoft AddTapi.NET.

System requirements

.NET Framework version 2.0 – 4.5


Copy the dll file in the Crack folder to the appropriate path for your .NET version.
