TallComponents PDF Collection for .NET 2019-5

TallComponents PDF Collection for .NET 2019-5

Tallcomponents PDFControls.NET Beta



TallComponents PDF Collection for .NET is a set of .NET components for working with pdf documents that developers can use in their applications. All these components are coded in a managed way and you do not need any external dependencies to use them. All you have to do is add the relevant dlls to the project references section. For example, PDF Rasterizer is an interesting component in this collection that you can easily use to convert pdf documents to raster images and bitmaps. This component can use GDI or WPF + for rendering, it is possible to print without interference and silently. It is also possible to convert pdf documents to multi-page TIFF files.

Other products

TallPDF.Net is another component of this collection that can be used to dynamically generate pdf documents in accordance with existing standards. This component has regular coding and comprehensible objects such as Document, Section, Paragraph, Table and are used in it. Therefore, you will easily be able to create custom pdf files using this component. One of the interesting features of this component is the automatic page numbering, you will not need additional coding to do this. You can also easily generate a table of contents of PDF files.

PDFKit.Net is another component of this library for reading, creating, managing and working with pdf files. For example, you can split a PDF file into several other files, encrypt it, add pages to the pdf file. Extract the desired images and content from the file. Digitize documents digitally and. There are several other components in the Tall Components PDF Collection for .NET library that will meet all the needs of .NET programmers working with pdf files.

List of components:

PDFRasterizer.NET 3.0 Print, Render, View and Rasterize PDF Render or print PDF documents directly to GDI+, WPF or XPS.

PDFKit.NET 4.0 Create and manipulate PDF documents Split, append, stamp, encrypt, extract, fill and more. PDFKit, a true Swiss army knife.

TallPDF.NET 4.0 Generate PDF on the fly Generate PDF documents from scratch. Use code, XML/XSL or a combination.

PDFControls.NET 2.0 Build your own PDF editor UI Controls for adding PDF read and edit functionality to your .NET application.

System requirements

.Net framework 4.0


Programmers know better.


TallComponents PDF Collection for .NET 2019-5
