SilverFast Ai Studio / HDR Studio + ColorServer / X-Ray 8 Win/macOS

SilverFast Ai Studio / HDR Studio + ColorServer / X-Ray 8 Win/macOS

SilverFast Ai Studio 8 macOS



SilverFast is the name of LaserSoft Imaging's professional scanning suite. This software works much more than a scanner and allows you to professionally edit scanned images. With the support of more than 340 different scanner models, the best and highest quality output possible can be received from the device, which is even superior to the software of the scanner manufacturers in terms of quality. This software is designed for professional photo processing; From quality scanning to specialized editing. It is also possible to receive output images in RAW format for no loss of quality and with all additional data.

The software in this collection

SilverFast Ai Studio software, which is the most professional scanning software in the SilverFast suite, offers many specialized features to the user. There's an assistant called WorkflowPilot that guides you through the step-by-step scanning and editing of your images, the ability to view previews for instant review, Multi-Exposure support for added detail, Auto IT8 Calibration to adjust colors in the scanner, multiple processing And many more are just some of the features. It is also possible to quickly optimize the very dark parts of the image.

SilverFast HDR Studio software, which is a great complement to scanner software, is also designed for specialized digital image processing. In fact, you can save your images in 64bit / 48bit HDR (i) RAW formats that contain all the identifiable information and then optimize multiple photos simultaneously with SilverFast HDR Studio. SilverFast X-Ray software is also specifically designed to digitize medical X-ray films such as images taken of bones, teeth, heart, lungs and other parts of the human body. This software, which supports DICOM compliant formats, is great for archiving or describing X-Ray images. Separate adjustment for each scanner model and high depth of detail of the scanned images are the advantages of this software.

SilverFast Features and Features

WorkflowPilot Assistant that guides the user in step-by-step image processing (in the correct order and for different situations)

ISRD for removing infrared and scratch based infrared

NegaFix to convert colors from Negative to Positive

Ability to preview changes even for complex parameters such as iSRD and USM

Multi-Tasking capability to perform multiple tasks simultaneously (eg optimizing a previously scanned image while scanning a new image)

Intelligent and automated optimization

Get output in HDRiRAW format which is the best format for archiving images


System requirements

Operating Systems :

Windows Vista, Windows 7, 8, 10 or Mac OS X from 10.7 – All 64-bit

Hardware :

2 GHz Processor or faster (Multi-core recommended)

4 GB RAM main memory (8 GB RAM recommended)

2 GB free space on hard disk drive for the software file

Up to 20 GB free space on the main system hard disk drive for the cache

See the list of scanners supported by this software here.



In the Readme file in the Crack folder.


SilverFast Ai Studio / HDR Studio + ColorServer / X-Ray 8 Win/macOS SilverFast Ai Studio / HDR Studio + ColorServer / X-Ray 8 Win/macOS SilverFast Ai Studio / HDR Studio + ColorServer / X-Ray 8 Win/macOS
