SAP PowerDesigner x64

SAP PowerDesigner x64

SAP PowerDesigner SP06 x64



SAP PowerDesigner is a leading management software for data architecture and information architecture and enterprise architecture and data modeling. This software is able to interact with most programming environments such as .NET, Java, Eclipse and.. SAP PowerDesigner software is primarily used to design and implement a database, and you can completely control your database through it. With SAP PowerDesigner software you can also draw and model ERD diagrams.

Features of SAP PowerDesigner

Create a 360-degree view of key assets

Implement data in the best way by managing the flow of information between all stages of it and the business

Capture, express management and share all metadata levels

Provide consistent information, time and place required, to improve decision making

Enforce sovereignty and accountability for key information assets and support compliance

Ability to share and move information with very high security

Supports the needs of productivity and cooperation and transparency

Leverage information assets to support business goals and strategies

The previous name of this software was Sybase PowerDesigner.

Click here to see all the features of SAP_PowerDesigner.

System requirements

Microsoft Windows 7, 8, 8.1 or Microsoft Windows Server 2008 or 2012 1.5GHz processor 1GB RAM (but the more the better with a graphical tool like PowerDesigner; most customers have 2GB or more). SVGA or higher-resolution graphics adapter and compatible color monitor (800 600) Up to 500MB for installation of all the core modules that make up the Enterprise Architect Edition.


After installing the program, copy pdflm16.dll to the installation location.


SAP PowerDesigner x64
