NUMECA FINE/Open 9.2 x64 + Docs & Tutorials

NUMECA FINE/Open 9.2 x64 + Docs & Tutorials

NUMECA FINE Open 10.1 Docs Tutorials



NUMECA FINE Open is a powerful software in the field of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) that is dedicated to a variety of complex internal and external fluid flows. This software can study and test a variety of flows from incompressible fluids to low and high velocity flows and easily solve a variety of fluid and dynamic equations. FINE Open with OpenLabs software from NUMECA International combines six-level unorganized networks with a compressible optimizer and uses adaptive techniques and dense multi-grid acceleration to solve fluid mechanics problems. .

This software allows users to easily create physical models in CFD and use the new open method to edit models. It also uses a simple meta language to prevent complex programming and allows users to import and analyze CAD files on them. NUMECA FINE Open has an attractive and practical graphical user interface, making simplifying and solving CFD equations easier for engineers.


Customize and add physical models

Has a user-friendly and flexible graphical interface

Use simple meta language instead of complex programming

Solve all types of internal and external fluid flows

Analysis of incompressible fluids and low and high velocity flows

Solve fluid and dynamic equations

Use of unorganized six-level network and adaptive techniques

Ability to import CAD files

Python scripting

System requirements

NUMECA FINE Open System Requirements

Standard equipments: monitor, keyboard, mouse CD-Rom drive 3-button mouse 24-bit color graphics and 12801240 pixel resolution monitor Mandatory ethernet card for a nodelocked license on Linux and Unix RAM minimum requirement: 256 Mb >512 Mb recommended (for 1 million points) Swap space: 3 times of RAM size Hard disk storage capacity depends on project types and number of points; 100 Mb space is needed to store mesh and solution files of a 1-million-points project.


In the Readme file in the Crack folder.


NUMECA FINE/Open 9.2 x64 + Docs & Tutorials
