MR.Gestures for Xamarin 2.1.0

MR.Gestures for Xamarin 2.1.0

Mr. Gestures for Xamarin v2.0.0



MR.Gestures is a tool for handling all touch gestures in the form of Xamarain hair extensions. Xamarin is a good tool in the field of mobile application development for various mobile operating systems, but it does not have the important capabilities that every device with a touch screen needs and can not perform various touch gestures. MR Gestures Adds low, high, tap, double tap, long press, jerk, spin and events to the screen. These events will occur when the user makes touch gestures on the element.

To add event handler you can:

Add the name MR.Gestures from dll

Use namespace instead of Xamarin.Forms

Features and facilities of MR.Gestures

Add various touch events in Xamarin

Touch one or more fingers on the screen

Multiple tapping on the screen

Double tap (double tap) with a distance of 250ms

Hold the finger on the screen for a long time

Added all touch capabilities

Click here for full MR.Gestures information

System requirements MR.Gestures


Listed in the Readme file.
