Microfit 5.5

Microfit 5.5

Microfit 5.5



Microfit is an interactive application with an efficient menu with a host of features for hypothesis test estimation, forecasting, data processing, graphical display file management and more. This feature of Microfit has created one of the most powerful menu-driven applications of econometric time series. Microfit guides users through the technical, practical and training assistance it provides throughout the package and can be used at various levels of Hyphene complexity. Microfit in econometrics is suitable for teaching classroom undergraduate and graduate courses. For users with econometric experience, the program offers a variety of methods, multivariate cointegration techniques, the main components of conventional communication and multivariate oscillations, modeling, and a large number of diagnostic tests.

Microfit Features and Features:

- Increase regression to 102 using regressors and increase data point up to 5,000,000

- Highly advanced graphics modules allow you to create multiple types of charts without limiting the number of parts per page.

- The time series of observations can be dynamically adjusted.

- Allows Excel files to be imported and exported.

- Has an additional root unit test such as Philips Perron ADF-GLS ADF WS and ADF

- Model analysis with and without variable exogenous (VARX and VECMX models), essential for open small economy modeling

- Prediction, impact response analysis, persistence profile and error variance analysis for VARX model

Conventional correlation component and analysis

- Nonparametric estimation of density (Gaussian and Epanechnikov grains with bandwidth cross-validation general rule and Silverman least squares)

Most files created using Microfit 4.0 can be used in Microfit 5.0.

- Simulation test of small samples of the critical value of unit root and cointegration

System requirements



This software is without time and structural restrictions.
