FrontendMasters – Building Applications with Vue & Nuxt 2020-10

FrontendMasters – Building Applications with Vue & Nuxt 2020-10

FrontendMasters Building Applications with Vue Nuxt 2020-10



Building Applications with Vue & Nuxt is a training course on creating dynamic web applications using Vue and Nuxt. During this course you will create a variety of projects using tools available in the Vue ecosystem, including the Vue CLI Nuxt, Vuex Store and other tools. You will create dynamic pages and at the end of the course you will work with the Vue composition API which is a new feature in Vue 3.

What you will learn in the Building Applications with Vue & Nuxt course

Familiarity with the basics of working with Vue and the use of SVG graphics in it

Project-oriented learning along with building an exam schedule

Build a program using Nuxt to learn Nuxt configuration, build pages and navigation, build Masthead and Footer, use API to fetch data by a plugin

Build filtering components, filter with calculated properties, build dynamic pages

Learn Vuex, use Vuex Store Mutations and UUIDs, add icons and conditional layouts

Learning forms and arranging elements in the API

Course information

Publisher: FrontendMasters Instructor: Sarah Drasner English language Level of training: basic to advanced Number of courses: 40 Duration: 4 hours and 14 minutes



Introduction working with svg graphics in vue

Building a Quiz Game App

Project setup adding styling svg graphics adding application ui state using mutations creating a question index updating the question index in the store creating a watcher adding a score shuffling answers adding a result modal exercise adding a result modal solution

Building a Food App with Nuxt

Nuxt overview creating a nuxt app set up nuxt config create pages navigation create a masthead create a grid from store data create a footer restaurant page exercise create a footer restaurant page solution fetch api data with a plugin deploy the app

Filtering Data & Adding Dynamic Pages

Create a filtering component filtering with computed properties create a dynamic page dynamic page exercise dynamic page solution create a reusable component with slots


Using vuex store mutations and uuid add icon with conditional layout vuex store shopping cart shopping cart count exercise and q a shopping cart count solution

Forms & Composition API

Form validation in vuelidate stripe payments practice resources composition api adding composition api to nuxt composition api exercise composition api solution

Wrapping Up

Wrapping up


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English subtitle

Quality: 1080p


FrontendMasters – Building Applications with Vue & Nuxt 2020-10

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