Frontend Masters – Production-Grade TypeScript 2020-11

Frontend Masters – Production-Grade TypeScript 2020-11

Frontend Masters Production-Grade TypeScript 2020-11



Production-Grade TypeScript is a training course on how to use the TypeScript language to enable developers to expand their experience and production ability in the team. You will build a Slack application with a data layer that has balanced performance and security and includes automatic detection of API level changes. At the end of this course you will be able to manage even the largest TypeScript projects easily and with complete confidence.

What you will learn in the Production-Grade TypeScript course

Familiarity with TypeScript as a programming language, compiler and langage server

Learn TypeScript features like Volta and NVM differences

Learn tsconfig and configure ESLint by building a project

API extraction

Convert project types to TypeScript

Course information

Publisher: FrontendMasters Instructor: Mike North English language Level of training: basic to advanced Number of courses: 33 Duration: 5 hours and 10 minutes



Introduction course project setup


Volta optional chaining nullish coalescing tuple types recursive type aliases ts ignore error handling with unknown declaration files type only imports typescript in apps vs libraries

Project Implementation

Creating a project from scratch tsconfig configuring eslint

API Extraction

Testing api extractor setup running api extractor api documenter strict in depth even more strict

Converting a Project to TypeScript

Viral options converting a project to typescript typing a project to strict typing react components typing 3rd party libraries enabling stricter settings using eslint using interfaces local type overrides types at runtime converting to typescript q a

Tests & Linting

Tests for types dtslint setup writing dtslint assertions

Wrapping Up

Wrapping up


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English subtitle

Quality: 1080p


Frontend Masters – Production-Grade TypeScript 2020-11

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