Frontend Masters – Advanced CSS Layouts 2019-9 + Subtitles

Frontend Masters – Advanced CSS Layouts 2019-9 + Subtitles

Frontend Masters Advanced CSS Layouts 2019-9



Advanced CSS Layouts is the name of a set of video tutorials in the field of web programming and development. In this video course you will be well acquainted with coding styles in CSS. In fact, you will master all the necessary CSS skills in designing web pages. You are also well versed in Flexboxes and Grids and will be able to design flawless web pages. You will also significantly improve your practical skills by doing the exercises provided in this course.

You will also learn about a variety of practical solutions in this course. On the other hand, in this course, the latest CSS coding techniques have been prepared and published for students. By watching this course and doing the exercises in it, you can create beautiful, responsive and creative web pages at the end. This course will teach you all the necessary materials from the basic level. This way, if you also want to learn basic CSS programming, this course will come in handy.

Items that are taught in this course

Basic CSS programming language training

Understand and learn the basics of Flexbox and Grid concepts

Familiarity with modern web design techniques

Learn how to build beautiful responsive web pages

Familiarity with different types of solutions in page design

Advanced CSS Layouts course specifications

English language

Duration: 3 hours and 46 minutes

Number of sessions: 38

Instructor: Jen Kramer

File format: mp4


Advanced CSS Layouts Course Content

Grid & Flexbox Review 6 Lectures

Pure CSS Off-Canvas Menu 7 Lectures

CSS Calc() & Custom Properties 6 Lectures

Complex Layouts 6 Lectures

Font Sizes 4 Lectures

Tables & Forms 8 Lectures

Wrapping Up 1 Lecture


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Subtitle: English (separate)

Quality: 720p


Frontend Masters – Advanced CSS Layouts 2019-9 + Subtitles

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