Dragonframe 4.2.4

Dragonframe 4.2.4

Dragonframe 4.2.4



Dragonframe is a Stop Motion animation software used to make several animated films, including Disneys Frankenweenie, Laikas Coraline, The Boxtrolls, and ParaNorman. This software is also used to prepare stop motion scenes in live action movies such as Star Wars. To create stop-motion animations, the software controls a digital camera. Additional hardware add-ons can be attached to control the light and movement of the camera. This software enables the user to manipulate the camera and the scene and then combine the frames into a sequence of moving frames. Animators can view multiple personal frames for comparison and are able to preview sequences of frames on a moving background.

Features and specifications of DZED Dragonframe program

Motion control: Use the intuitive interface for advanced camera movement

Audio file: Use the audio file of a reference video in the audio workspace

Design tools: Mark the page to guide the animation with vector design tools

Cinematographer: Build and adjust scene lighting with camera controls, testing and advanced photo review tools

Timeline: Frame-based editing with Drag & Drop, scheduling, re-sequencing and even restoring deleted frames

DMX lighting: The program animates light with simple keyframes. Automatic lighting for animators with back and forth lighting capability

Custom Face Set: Create your own face as a multi-layered Photoshop file. Add groups for mouth, eyes, ears or any other area you need

System requirements

Windows 7/8.1/10 OpenGL 2.1 Capable Graphics Card 1.33 GHz CPU or faster 2 GB RAM or more


In the Readme file in the Crack folder.


Dragonframe 4.2.4
