Coursera – Natural Language Processing Specialization 2020-10

Coursera – Natural Language Processing Specialization 2020-10

Coursera Natural Language Processing Specialization 2020-10



Natural Language Processing Specialization is an NLP course. NLP uses several algorithms to understand and change a person's language. This technology is widely used in machine learning. Developers use it to build models that analyze speech and language, discover textual patterns, and gain insight into text and sound. By using this training course and mastering this technology, you will be able to build your NLP applications. Question-and-answer applications analyze emotions and are able to translate and summarize text. These tools, along with other NLP-based tools, are the highest layer in the future of artificial intelligence.

This course covers a variety of topics. You will learn how to use Bayesian logical regression and categorization to analyze emotions, complete similarities, and translate words. You will then learn to use intelligent programming and hidden Markov models to automatically modify words, complete sentences, and recognize word roles. The use of repetitive, dense, and LSTM neural networks in the TensorFlow and Trax libraries for more advanced emotion analysis, text construction, and the recognition of repetitive questions are other topics in this course. Finally, you will learn how to implement advanced machine translation, text summarization, and Q&A to build a chat robot. It should be noted that the instructors of this course are a lecturer in artificial intelligence at Stafford University and a member of the research team at Google Brain.

What do you learn?

Use logical regression, Bayesian categorizer and array of words. Analyze emotions, complete similarities and translate words

Use intelligent programming, hidden Markov models and embedded words. Automatically correct words, complete sentences and recognize the role of the word in speech

Use of repetitive, dense neural networks, LSTM, GRUs, and the Siamese network in the TensorFlow and Trax libraries. More advanced emotion analysis and text construction

Use of encoding and decoding, causal relationships and dependencies between words. Summarize text and FAQ to build Chatbot

Specifications Natural Language Processing Specialization

Publisher: Coursera

Instructor: Younes Bensouda Mourri, ukasz Kaiser, Eddy Shyu

English language

Level of education: Intermediate

Number: 4 courses

Course duration: with a suggested time of 5 hours per week, approximately 4 months


Learners should have a working knowledge of machine learning, intermediate Python. including experience with a deep learning framework (e.g., TensorFlow, Keras). as well as proficiency in calculus, linear algebra, and statistics. If you would like to brush up on these skills. we recommend the Deep Learning Specialization. offered by and taught by Andrew Ng.


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English subtitle

Quality: 720p


The 2020/10 version was added compared to the 2020/9 fourth section.


Coursera – Natural Language Processing Specialization 2020-10

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