Coursera – Full-Stack Web Development with React Specialization 2020-8

Coursera – Full-Stack Web Development with React Specialization 2020-8

Coursera Front-End Web UI Frameworks and Tools Bootstrap 4 2020-8



Full-Stack Web Development with React Specialization is a Full-Stack Web programming and development training course. Web development into two parts: front-end (part with which the user interacts - client-side) and back-end (part that performs operations and calculations - server-side). A developer who is proficient in both is called a Full-Stack Web Developer, which is dedicated to Full-Stack training with a focus on the React library. In the front-end section of this tutorial, you will learn how to create hybrid web applications that are available on a variety of mobile devices, then in the back-end section, you will learn how the application supports and interacts with the server. You will also learn about solutions for cross-platform services.

In 4 sections of this tutorial, you will gradually become familiar with Full-Stack Web Development. The first two sections are related to front-end development. In these sections, you will learn the Bootstrap 4 framework for graphic design and the React library for graphical user interface design and design. Building hybrid mobile apps (apps that look like native mobile apps but are built with web-based languages) is also part of the tutorial in Section 3. In Section 4, you will learn about server-side development and languages such as Node.js and how to build databases.

What do you learn?

Full-Stack web development seamlessly and step by step

Web Front-End Development with Bootstrap 4 and React Frameworks

Build hybrid mobile applications with the help of React Native

Server-side development with the help of Node.js and Express and building a database with MongoDB


Profile of Full-Stack Web Development with React Specialization

Publisher: Coursera

Instructor: Jogesh K. Muppala

English language

Level of education: Intermediate

Number: 4 courses

Course duration: with a suggested time of 11 hours per week, approximately 4 months


You need to have a good working knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript


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English subtitle

Quality: 720p


Coursera – Full-Stack Web Development with React Specialization 2020-8

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