CodeSMART Core / AxTools CodeSMART 10

CodeSMART Core / AxTools CodeSMART 10

AxTools CodeSMART 10 with VS10x Extensions v10.50



CodeSMART Core is the best navigation tool for Visual Studio. This new version of CodeMAP with a flawless notification system is completely accurate.

Features and capabilities of CodeSMART Core

Highlight Codes: Available from the Formatting Toolbar, Highlight with a single click and click again to remove the highlight. If you want, when you hover the mouse pointer over the text, the pop-up menu will be displayed with highlighted colors. Keyboard accelerators are also available.

Rich Code Format: The formatting toolbar has two features: Bold and Italic and can be applied to any selected code. Only bold has a keyboard accelerator: Ctrl + B

Name Emphasis: various templates for the builder, regular methods and properties, display the type of images on the left side of the code,

Rich Comments: View and not view comments with the On / Off button (works perfectly in C # and VB). Ability to change the font to bold and italic, change the color of the comment with two colors red and purple, change the text size, put separating lines in different colors and font width

SuperFind: Highlights the results found

Super Copy-Paste: Hold a few previous copy operations and paste them

Specify the location of all closed parentheses in the code (works in VB)

Sort, group, display nested codes, navigation date, highlight member, drag and drop sort

Specify line colors and styles

Darken Attributes: Attributes are definitely very powerful things. You can change the color of the attributes and choose the appropriate font and size for it.

Click here for full CodeSMART Core information.

System requirements


Programmers know better.
