CGDevTools Source / IWCGJquery Suite

CGDevTools Source / IWCGJquery Suite

CGDevTools for Introweb 14.0.48 Delphi 10 Seattle



CGDevTools is a jQuery based component for use in Embarcadero Rad Studio. If you are looking for a quick way to speed up the performance of your Intraweb application and add an intuitive agent, this is a good choice. This component acts as a bridge between javascript / jQuery and Intraweb plugins.

Features and specifications of CGDevTools component

JQuery ui theme support

Remote data source

Custom data and display

Personal Data Popup

Network integration


Touch events

Mouse slide events

Fully customizable

Create a beautiful and responsive slider with the help of the component

The AutoFill widget also provides suggested words when typing in a field. Suggestions are programming language tags.

JQDropDown jQuery-based replacement for box selection

FancyBox tool for displaying images, HTML and multimedia content, videos in SWF format, iFrame (YouTube, Google Maps)

GMap is a component that helps you embed Google Maps on your site. (Set different map types: Combination, Earth, Satellite, Roadmap), Define the location by address or latitude, Set Google Map Control, Zoom

JqGrid Azax JavaScript control for displaying and manipulating tabular data on the web

Directly accept XML, JSON and arrays or user data as input

Output to Excel, Column Sorting, Data Grouping, Keyboard Navigation, Footer Customization

XML / JSON / HTML data transfer server

Open API for easy customization

Working with the template, an easy way to edit and change the design (requires knowledge of html and css)

System requirements CGDevTools

Intraweb 14.x

Intraweb 15.x

Delphi XE10-10.2-10.3


Read the Readme.txt file.
