Planimeter GPS area measure 4.5.4 for Android +2.0

Planimeter GPS area measure 4.5.4 for Android +2.0


Planimeter GPS area measure is a tool for measuring GPS area, distance, circumference, direction, angle and GPS coordinates on a map. You can take notes anywhere and use the app to navigate, save your favorite places or sights, or create GPS directions.

Planimeter GPS area measure features

Accurate distance calculation and area measurement

Metric and English units (meters, kilometers, feet, yards, miles, ha, acres)

Quickly estimate distances between cities, road points, poles

Direction and angle between lines

Rotate between (different) points by touch

Display GPS coordinates for the specified point

GPS accuracy settings

Manage saved projects: Open, Save, View, Publish KML files. KML files can be used in data mining for Google Earth and Google Maps

Save the image of the maps along with the measurements in it

Publish data by email: map image, coordinates as text message, KML files

Show (as) map / satellite

Ability to zoom in on maps and edit point locations

Location Search Using GPS and Network (Internet)

Address search

Add GPS (coordinates) to the current location network as a point

Add points with latitude and longitude in different formats (DD, DMS)

Tips Planimeter GPS area measure

The program is completely unlocked!

Recent Changes Planimeter GPS area measure 4.5.4

Menu button

See full information about Planimeter GPS area measure here.

System requirements

Android 2.0 and above


If there is a problem with the installation, first delete the previous version and then reinstall the program!

